6 Best Ways to Write a Brilliant Observation Essay With Topics List

All of us face situations at different times of our lives when it becomes essential to obtain information based on a primary source to answer certain questions. An observation essay is the perfect example of how experienced writers arrange this type of information. Observation, fact and inference are the three basic words that should come foremost in a student’s mind when the task of writing an observation essay is at hand. The writer should be able to describe an experience using the sense of taste, touch, sight, smell and hearing.

We are going to relate six tips and instructions here which can help any student write an impressionable observation essay.

1. Using Your Own Experiences
The issue being discussed in the essay should be experienced by you at least once. To craft an effective observation essay describe the thing that inspires you or you have managed to survive. Remember to obtain the rights for your work once you have finished it so that people cannot steal it.

2. Forming an Outline
To integrate a logical and organized structure throughout your essay, outlines are the key player. Every time the writer finds themselves at an intellectual block the outline will assist them in rearranging their thoughts in the correct order. Final drafts can be changed but following the outline is the best path to take to avoid any major mishaps.

3. Creating the Introduction
Providing the readers an opportunity to make them familiar with the described experience will create an essay that is unique and impressive. It is fundamental to introduce the thesis statement first as it will create the “hook” to lead in the audience’s mind towards the essence of your essay. An introduction can be further given shape by sharing some background details about why the topic of the essay is important and why was it chosen specifically.

4. The Body of the Essay
The body of an observation essay is similar to any other academic paper’s main body. The ideal structure to use in essay writing of observation essay is to divide it into three paragraphs, containing strong, supportive arguments. The notes should be arranged according to the outline along with more added details.

5. The Conclusion
It is important to not let the ending paragraph ramble on too much. The basic things that need to be done is summarizing the main arguments, restating the thesis statement and finishing off with a solution or rhetorical action technique to leave a lasting impression upon the readers. Keep in mind that there needs to be an ending page of the observation essay that contains a complete list of references used.

6. Editing and Proof reading
Do not dive headfirst in submission mode once the paper is done. Careful editing and proofreading are the elements that show the instructor how invested you were in the writing process and will convince them of your writing skills. Check the grammar, punctuation and spellings in to the last detail and determine if its every bit according to the teacher’s requirements.

Most Impactful Topics for Observation Essays

Before you set out to write an essay, choosing a topic is what the whole balance of your work hangs upon. It can be challenging and takes a lot of time to decide upon a particular topic so to make it less complicated for you, we have a list of observation essay topics ready for you to select and explore:

1. The importance of tolerance
2. A meeting with my favourite movie star
3. Video games that have resulted in death
4. How sports develop leadership qualities
5. Significance of independence and freedom
6. Books that you will find interesting at any age
7. The definition of money in the modern world
8. The perfect gift
9. Music: A therapy for healing
10. Qualities of true leadership based upon individuals I met in life
11. The new neighbourhood restaurant

These topics can be used as they are or after this example you can brainstorm a bit and come up with ones similar to them which you can build the observation essay upon. Make an outline and structure your essay in as organized a way as possible to make it worthy of a high grade.

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